Mens Summer 2022

18 July 2022 | Tom Pate
Mens Summer 2022

Winter Training Update

Thank you to all that filled out the survey, I really appreciate anyone who left feedback. We received a lot of feedback regarding the 3/4/5 Men's Training and I'm pleased to say the training is being moved to Thursday nights 19:30 - 21:00 starting from 8th September. This is to combat unavailability due to the previous earlier start time. Please make sure you book this in your calendars!

Men's Summer Social Hockey

Wednesday 27th July is the one-off Men's summer social hockey tournament. 19:00- 20:30 at Eggars. Small sided tournament to welcome everyone back after the break and introduce a couple new players into the Men's section. All details are on teamo, please book asap so we can plan teams accordingly!

Men's Summer League

Men's summer league has finished for the season. We came a respectable 4th - the highlight beating US Portsmouth in the last game relegating them to 2nd position!

Mixed Summer League - Eggars

Tuesday nights 19:00 - 21:00 from 26th July - 30th August! These are being run to increase the mixing as a whole club. Just some fun summer evening sessions. Pre-book on teamo, please book asap to avoid disappointment as spaces will be limited.

Summer Training - Eggars

Wednesday 10th August 7-9pm. Time to dust off the cobwebs and get back into hockey before the winter training starts! £5pp for pitch hire, details will be up on teamo soon. Will run for 4 weeks until August 31st.

Season 2022-23

Club day will be on Saturday 03 September, Men's training will start from Wednesday 7th September and Saturday pre-season matches will begin from Saturday 10 September. All details will be up on Teamo in due course.

Our Partners

England Hockey Talent Centre
Hampshire Garden Structures
Eight Wealth Management
England Hockey Talent Centre
Hampshire Garden Structures
Eight Wealth Management
Hampshire Hockey
England Hockey
South Central Hockey
Hampshire Hockey
England Hockey
South Central Hockey
frost watch. please check app before leaving for training on Saturday 🥶🥶
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